What We Do
Our MISSION is to promote an engaging and living Judaism through learning.
Our VISION, envisions a culture where our congregants will seek answers, discover new areas, find relaxed & serious study on both Jewish tradition & religious or non-religious topics.
Class Offerings
Book Discussion: Adult Ed committee chores a topical book to read and then discuss was a group. Members of the committee take turns leading the discussion . Past books include ; Who by Fire, Orchestra of Exiles, The Women of Rothschild .
Lunch & Learn: Adult Ed. committee invites a guest speaker to present a topic of interest to the congregation. Presented on a Tuesday at noon via Zoom.
Dessert & Discuss: A Pharrell to Lunch & Learn Adult Ed Commute invites a guest or member of the congregation to present a favorite holiday recipe in a live cooking show via zoom.
Film Night: Adult Ed choose a timely and hot topic film to present in the social hall followed by a lively discussion. Snacks and soft drinks provided.
October 29th - Estate Planning Investment Seminar
November 13th - Delicious Discussion
November 16th - Book Discussion
On Tuesday February 13th we had our first Lunch & Learn of 2024. The topic was Jewish Philosophy and Rituals on Death & Dying. Our presenters were Rabbi Meeka and a representative from Sol Levinson & Sons. Although a hard topic to face, we believed that this was a worthwhile discussion for everyone. This was presented on Zoom. If you missed this presentation you can watch the video of the Zoom presentation from this link:
Passcode: MZS?R++1
-> Jewish Philosophy &
Rituals on Death & Dying PowerPoint <-
On March 10 we had a wonderful presentation “The Wonders of Gilchrist”. This was a great opportunity to learn more about Gilchrist’s services. If you missed this in-person presentation, please see the Power-point.

Delicious Discussions - A Top Down Discussion on a Bottom Up Cake
Desserts and Discussion November 14, 2023
Dessert & Discuss with Diana Wolkow
Temple Adas Shalom Adult Education Lunch & Learn: Discussing Estate Planning w/Kevin Bress
Changing Wisdoms with Reform Judaism w/ Dr. David Dirlam Ph. D. - March 12, 2023
Temple Adas Shalom Adult Education Presents: Book Discussion - “Unorthodox” - January 21, 2023